Legal statement for the following study guide: The following information is for educational purposes only and for personal use in learning the beings of the personality registry. This information is not intended to be used for resale or anyone’s personal financial gain in any way. The Urantia Book , Topical Index for The Urantia Book, © Copyright 2004, 2007, Harry McMullan, III. Concordex of The Urantia Book, © Copyright 1971, 1974, 1978, 1980 By Clyde Bedell, Revised and enlarged Third Edition Copyright © 1986 By Clyde Bedell Estate, Santa Barbara, CA The following websites were used in compiling the information in the slides which follow. Key to notations used in these slides: |
Click on the link below in the register to go to the expanded information in this document on this item.
30:2.1 The divine family of living beings is registered on Uversa in seven grand divisions:
30:2.37 IV THE SONS OF GOD. 30:2.38 A. Descending Sons.
30:2.46 B. Ascending Sons.
30:2.54 C. Trinitized Sons.
30:2.65 V. PERSONALITIES OF THE INFINITE SPIRIT. 30:2.66 A. Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit.
30:2.74 B. The Messenger Hosts of Space.
30:2.82 C. The Ministering Spirits.
30:2.90 VI. THE UNIVERSE POWER DIRECTORS. 30:2.91 A. The Seven Supreme Power Directors. 30:2.92 B. Supreme Power Centers.
30:2.100 C. Master Physical Controllers.
30:2.108 D. Morontia Power Supervisors.
30:2.129 This is the working classification of the personalities of the universes as they are of record on the headquarters world of Uversa. 30:2.130 COMPOSITE PERSONALITY GROUPS. There are on Uversa the records of numerous additional groups of intelligent beings, beings that are also closely related to the organization and administration of the grand universe. Among such orders are the following three composite personality groups: 30:2.131 A. The Paradise Corps of the Finality.
30:2.139 The Mortal Corps of the Finality is dealt with in the next and final paper of this series. 30:2.140 B. The Universe Aids.
30:2.149 C. The Seven Courtesy Colonies.
The Expanded, detailed Uvera Personality Register
30:2.1 The divine family of living beings is registered on Uversa in seven grand divisions:
30:2.2 These groups of will creatures are divided into numerous classes and minor subdivisions. The presentation of this classification of the personalities of the grand universe is however chiefly concerned in setting forth those orders of intelligent beings who have been revealed in these narratives, most of whom will be encountered in the ascendant experience of the mortals of time on their progressive climb to Paradise. The following listings make no mention of vast orders of universe beings who carry forward their work apart from the mortal ascension scheme.
B. 30:2.8 Ascending Sons
Trinitization: 22:7sec(249;1),. See also creature-trinitized sons; Trinitized Sons of God technique by which Father divests himself of unqualified spirit personality 0:7.6(11;2), 6:7.1(79;1), 10:2.1(109;5), secret of Vicegerington, Solitarington 13:1.12,18(146;1), accomplishes what otherwise is nonattainable 0:12.8(16;5), by Deities, trinitization constitutes authority to represent Trinity 13:1.12(146;1), precipitates unrealized potentials out of future time 22:4.5(247;4), by creatures: Adamic-finaliter pairs very successful at t. 31:5.3(349;3), always successful between finaliters and Paradise-Havoners (22:7.10, 14), apparently an unlimited technique 23:4.4(262;5), by 2 finaliters is paradisiacal effort to actualize original identical concept of Almighty Supreme; sometimes fails 13:1.12(146;1), 22:7.4-12(249;4), by finaliters and Paradise-Havoners repercusses in Supreme-Ultimate Mind 22:4.3(247;2), 22:7.14(251;4), by Paradise-Havoners 22:7.13(251;3), creature-trinitized sons in personality registers 30:1.5(331;1), 30:2.9(336;1), engaged in only by Deities, finaliters, Paradise Citizens and Havoners 22:7.2(249;2), parents thereafter spiritually inseparable; participate only once 22:7.3,7-9), special corps exists for mixed finaliter and Paradise-Havoner parents 22:7.9(250;3), supreme creative performance of spiritual beings 22:7.1-2(249;1), unbelievably long time sometimes consumed 22:7.6(249;6),
1.Mighty Messengers. 22:2sec , Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number, are glorified ascendant mortals. The first of these orders came up through the ascendant regime and passed through Havona in the days of Grandfanda. Having attained Paradise, they were mustered into the Corps of the Finality, embraced by the Paradise Trinity, and subsequently assigned to the supernal service of the Ancients of Days. As a class, these three orders are known as Trinitized Sons of Attainment, being of dual origin but now of Trinity service. Thus was the executive branch of the superuniverse government enlarged to include the glorified and perfected children of the evolutionary worlds. Adjuster Fused Mortal finaliters one day achieve 40:10.12, number 7 trillion 22:2.5(245;5), fully conscious of ascendant careers 22:2.9(246;1), rebellion-tested perfected mortals who were trinitized after becoming finaliters 15:10.5(178;5), 22:2.1-2(245;1), High Son Assistants serve as clerks for 22:10.1(253;3), maintain constant connection through reflectivity 22:2.7(245;7), mortal ascenders who stood loyal in face of disloyalty of their superiors 15:10.5(178;5), 22:2.1(245;1), 44:0.11(498;6), 54:6.5(619;2), nonparticipating in growth of present universe age 117:2.4(1280;4), selection is inherent and automatic 22:4.4(247;3), survivors can communicate freely with 22:2.9(246;1), tertiary seconaphim are assigned to 28:3.1(307;3), 28:6.1(313;5), Trinitized Sons of Attainment 15:10.5(178;5), 22:2sec(245;1), 28:6.1(313;5), service: assist Perfections of Days 18:4.4(210;7), 22:2.8(245;8), certify correctness of Celestial Recorders' records 25:6.3(282;1), defend individuals and planets in superuniverse courts 15:12.1(180;2), 22:2.8(245;8), official superuniverse observers to local universes and systems 15:10.3-5(178;3), 15:12.1(180;2), 22:2.8(245;8), with associates, form highest mobile advisory body 19:2.4(216;2), 19:3.6-7(178;3), wrote: Papers 22, 28, 30, 32, 34, 40, 42, 52, 54-56, 115-118) 22:10.10(255;1), 28:7.5(318;3), 30:4.28(344;3), 32:5.9(365;5), 34:7.9(383;3), 40:10.15(454;4), 42:12.9(484;4), 52:7.17(600;6), 54:6.11(620;3), 55:12.6(636;7), 56:10.22(648;5), 115:7.9(1267;3), 116:7.7(1277;1), 117:7.15(1293;2), 118:10.22(1307;3),
2.Those High in Authority. 22:3sec(246;2),See also Trinitized Sons of Attainment, Adjuster-fused mortals with superior administrative ability 22:3.1(246;2), number 70 billion 22:3.2(246;3), executives of Ancients of Days 15:10.3-5(178;3), 22:3.3(246;4), finaliters embraced by Trinity 15:10.5(178;5), High Son Assistants serve as clerks for 22:10.1(253;3), members of highest mobile advisory body 19:2.4(216;2), 19:3.6-7(178;3), prosecutors in superuniverse courts 15:12.1(180;2), 22:3.4(246;5), selection is inherent and automatic 22:4.4(247;3), service on major sectors 18:4.4(210;7), Solemnities of Trust accompany 28:6.15(316;2), tertiary seconaphim are assigned to 28:3.1(307;3), 28:6.1(313;5), Trinitized Sons of Attainment 15:10.5(178;5), 15:12.1(180;2), 22:3.1(246;2), 28:6.1(313;5), one wrote Paper 25 25:8.12(284;5).
3.Those without Name and Number,. 22:4sec(246;6), See also Trinitized Sons of Attainment, Mortalfinaliters embraced by Trinity 15:10.5(178;5), superior spiritual minds of survival races 22:4.3(247;2), number 700 million 22:4.2(247;1), serve superuniverse government 15:10.3-5(178;3), service on major sectors 18:4.4(210;7), supreme jurors in superuniverse courts 15:12.1(180;2), 22:4.3(247;2), have transcendent concept of Father's eternal purpose 22:4.1(246;6), High Son Assistants serve as clerks for 22:10.1(253;3), members of highest mobile advisory body 19:2.4(216;2), 19:3.6-7(178;3), selection is inherent and automatic 22:4.4(247;3), Trinitized Sons of Attainment 15:10.5(178;5), 22:4.1(246;6), 28:6.1(313;5), one wrote Paper 31 31:10.15(354;8).
4.Trinitized Custodians. 22:5sec(247;7), See also trinitization, finaliter seraphim and translated midway creatures embraced by Trinity 18:4.5(211;1), 22:5.1-2(247;7), officers of superuniverse major and minor sector governments; number 70 million 18:4.5(211;1), 22:5.5,6(248;4), assisted by several billion seconaphim 22:5.5(248;4), deal with groups, not individuals 22:5.6(248;5), recognized for valiant co-operation with subsequently trinitized mortal 22:5.3(248;2), Trinitized Sons of Selection 22:1.4(244;2)
5.Trinitized Ambassadors. 22:6sec(248;6) ascendant Spirit-fused and Son-fused mortals embraced by Trinity; number 3.5 billion 18:4.5(211;1), 22:6.1(248;6), emissaries of Ancients of Days on minor sectors 18:4.5(211;1), 22:6.3(248;8), serve on Spirit- and Son-fusion worlds 22:6.2(248;7), Trinitized Sons of Selection 22:6.1(248;6).
6.Celestial Guardians. number 7 billion 22:9.3(252;5), are personification of some single universal ideal 22:10.2(253;4), apprehending agents of Ancients of Days 22:9.4(252;6), affectionate, loyal, humble, and supremely wise regarding concept they personify 22:10.8(254;5), assisted by Son-fused mortals 22:9.3(252;5), assisted by Spirit-fused mortals 22:9.4(252;6), 40:10.9(453;4), carry out routine major, minor sector work 18:4.4-5(210;7), 22:9.3(252;5), court messengers, bearers of summonses and decisions 22:9.4(252;6), deal with individuals, not groups 22:5.6(248;5), in group Trinitized Sons of Perfection 22:9.7(253;1), not indwelt by Adjusters 22:9.5(252;7), of less distinguished performance than High Son Assistants 22:9.1(252;3), present Spirit-fused mortals to Ancients of Days 40:10.9(453;4), Trinity-embraced finaliter and Paradise-Havoner trinitized sons 18:4.4(210;7), 22:1.5(244;3), 22:9.1(252;3), Trinity Teacher Sons assign 22:9.1(252;3),
7.High Son Assistants. See also Trinitized Sons of Perfection are personification of some single universal ideal 22:10.2(253;4), affectionate, loyal, humble, and supremely wise regarding concept they personify 22:10.8(254;5), carry out routine major and minor sector work 18:4.4-5(210;7), not indwelt by Adjusters 22:9.5(252;7), 8.75 million in superuniverses 22:10.7(254;4), impart inexpressible illumination to deliberations 22:10.2-7(253;4), not permanently assigned 22:10.7(254;4), of more distinguished performance than Celestial Guardians 22:9.1(252;3), 22:10.1(253;3), private secretaries to high superuniverse Sons 22:10.1(253;3), Trinity-embraced finaliter and Paradise-Havoner trinitized sons 18:4.4(210;7), 22:1.5(244;3), 22:10sec(253;3).
8.Ascender-trinitized Sons. See creature-trinitized sons; trinitization all endowed with personality by Father 26:8.1(293;5), apprentices of Trinity Teacher Sons 20:8.2(231;2), 22:1.5(244;3), 22:8.2-4(251;6), 22:9.1(252;3), 55:4.14(628;5), come to worlds in light and life 55:4.14(628;5), 55:12.2(636;3), command is to be understanding 26:11.4(297;1), conceptual potential mobilization 13:1.12(146;1), destiny is Corps of Trinitized Finaliters 13:1.12(146;1), 22:8.6(252;2), 26:11.2(296;5), do not grow as do ascenders 117:2.3(1280;3), embody ideals and experience pertaining to future age 22:7.10(250;4), 117:2.3(1280;3), gather on 1st circuit of Havona 22:8.5(252;1), 26:11.2(296;5), 27:3.3(300;6), headquarters in Satania is 5th transition world 45:1.7(510;5), in personality register 30:1.5(331;1), 30:2.9(336;1), initial training and service under Seven Supreme Executives 17:1.7-8(199;1), 22:8.2(251;6), mixed liaison types become wards of Architects of Master Universe; go to Vicegerington in company of Solitary Messengers and never leave 22:7.10(250;4), 22:8.6(252;2), 23:4.3(262;4), 31:9.13(352;6), number 9642 in Nebadon 35:0.1(384;1), primary and secondary supernaphim are custodians 26:11.2(296;5), progeny of finaliters and Paradise-Havoners 17:1.7(199;1), 22:7.4-14(249;4), 22:8.1(251;5), 23:4.3(262;4), 30:2.9(336;1), re-embraced creature-trinitized sons; become Trinitized Sons of Perfection 22:8.4-5(251;8), re-embrace by Trinity acts only on idea personified 22:9.5(252;7), types, Celestial Guardians q.v., High Son Assistants q.v.,residence in Jerusem circles 46:5.6(524;4),residence on Paradise worlds of Spirit 13:4.1(149;7), Solitary Messengers accompany offspring of finaliters and Paradise Citizens 23:4.3(262;4), speculations concerning destiny 23:4.4(262;5), supernaphim facilitate confraternity between 26:11.3(296;6), value to superuniverse governments 22:10.2-7(253;4), 26:2.2(287;1).
9.Paradise-Havona-trinitized Sons. See also trinitization created by Paradise Citizens and Havoners 22:7.9-13(250;3), may serve as Evangels of Light attached to mortal finaliter companies 31:7.2(349;7).
10.Trinitized Sons of Destiny.See also trinitization beings produced by finaliters and Paradise-Havoners 22:7.14(251;4), in Uversa personality register 30:2.9,22(336;1)
A.30:2.11 Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit Papers 23, 24
1.Solitary Messengers. can transmit messages 100 light-years away 23:3.5(261;3), nearly defy time and space; attain velocities of 840 billion miles per second over mind circuits of Infinite Spirit 23:3.1-3,6) 34:3.2(376;5), 107:6.5(1182;7), number stationary at over 50 trillion 23:0.2(256;2), 23:3.9(262;1),
Circuit Supervisors. orders 24:1.2-6(265;2),
concerned with circuits of relative spiritual energy outside
3.Census Directors. can give number, nature, birth, death, and whereabouts of all will creatures 24:2.2,7,8(266;8), 1 stationed on capital of each local universe 24:2.4(267;2) Salsatia is Nebadon Census Director 24:2.7(267;5), 37:8.4(413;7)
4.Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit. exist to execute bidding of Infinite Spirit 24:3.2, mortals will not encounter 24:3.4(268;4)
5.Associate Inspectors. 700,000 created by Infinite Spirit, Seven Master Spirits 24:4.1(268;5) direct Assigned Sentinels in local universe light and life 55:10.3(634;3)
6.Assigned Sentinels. 7 billion personalized by Infinite Spirit 24:5.1(268;8), omniaphim is planetary representative in light and life 55:4.13(628;4)
7.Graduate Guides. pilot pilgrims through Havona worlds; stay with same pilgrim throughout 24:6.1,3(269;5), 26:9.5(270;7), 26:10.7(296;3)
B.30:2.12 The Messenger Hosts of Space Paper 25 (273;1)
1.Havona Servitals. "midway creatures" of Havona 25:1.1(273;3), 138 billion serve on Uversa 25:1.7(274;4), help ascenders on superuniverse capitals 25:1.5,7(274;2)
2.Universal Conciliators. 25:2-3secs types are Divine Executioners, Judge-Arbiters, Recorders, Spirit-Advocates 25:2.6-9(275;6)
3.Technical Advisers. living law libraries; teach applied law 25:4.5,8-9) 37:8.7(414;2), number 61 trillion in Orvonton; 500 million in Nebadon 25:4.3(279;4), 37:8.7(414;2), recruited from supernaphim, seconaphim, tertiaphim, omniaphim, seraphim, mortal ascenders, and midwayers 25:4.2(279;3), 27:0.1(298;1)
of Records on
5.Celestial Recorders. Custodians of Records serve as Chiefs for 25:5.4(281;5), 25:6.1(281;6), number 75 in Nebadon; 8 million on Uversa 25:6.4(282;2), 37:8.8(414;3), selected from ascendant seraphim 25:6.1(281;6), 37:8.8(414;3)
6.Morontia Companions. offspring of Mother Spirit 25:7.1(282;5), 47:3.11(534;3), 48:3.1(545;2), serve exclusively in local universes, from mansion worlds to Salvington 25:7.3(282;7), 48:3.2(545;3), gracious hosts; ever with surviving mortals in local universe 25:7.1(282;5), 48:3.8-9(546;1), beautiful, versatile, and companionable guides 47:3.12(534;4)
7.Paradise Companions. 25:8sec none assigned if mortal companion or seraphic guardian present 25:8.5(283;6), same one remains with pilgrim until associates arrive or individual is mustered into Corps of Finality 25:8.7(283;8), nothing especial to accomplish; simply provide companionship 25:8.3(283;4)
C.30:2.13 The Ministering Spirits
1.Supernaphim. Paper 27 (298;1),) 26:2.1-2(286;6), angels of Paradise 26:1.5(285;6), 26:2.2(287;1), 27:0.1(298;1), 28:0.1(306;1)
2.Seconaphim. 28:3-7secs). Superuniverse Level Pg 307, accompanied Michael on 3rd bestowal 119:3.3(1312;4), living mirrors to Ancients of Days 28:4.1(307;5), transport ascenders to Havona 28:4.13(310;1), 30:4.21(343;3), primary seconaphim 28:3.1(307;3), 28:4sec(307;5), secondary seconaphim 28:5sec(310;3)
3.Tertiaphim. 28:1sec(306;4), Superuniverse Level, 1000 t. accompany each Creator Son to his local universe; retire with appearance of native angels 28:1.2-3(306;5), accompanied Michael on Lanonandek bestowal 119:2.4(1311;3), liaisons between Creator Sons and Ancients of Days 26:1.6(286;1)
4.Omniaphim. Superuniverse Level, accompanied Michael on Melchizedek bestowal 119:1.3,5(1309;4), may become Technical Advisers; Paradise Companions 25:4.2(279;3), 25:8.1,8(283;2), not directly concerned with ascending mortals 28:0.3(306;3), 28:2.1(307;1)
5.Seraphim. Guardian Angels, angels of local universes 26:1.7(286;2), 28:0.1(306;1), 38:0.2(418;2),Created by Local Creative Mother Spirit Pg 421, 39:8.1(440;3), 500 million pairs on Urantia in 1934 114:0.1(1250;1), achievement of Seraphington far transcends mortals attaining eternal survival 39:8.9(441;3), 40:1.2(443;6), See Corps of Seraphic Completion
6.Cherubim and Sanobim. 38:7-8secs created by local universe Mother Spirit 26:1.7(286;2), 38:7.6(422;6), 500 million pairs on Urantia in 1934 114:0.1(1250;1), cherubim, sanobim assist on mortal worlds 38:7.2-3(422;2), 48:5.1(550;2), cherubim and Mansion World Teachers may become Seraphim 38:8.8(440;3), 48:5.10(551;5), not with guardian angels on mansion worlds 38:8.5(423;5), deliver undeveloped souls to probationary nurseries, where they have educational facilities 47:2.1-2(531;5)
7.Midwayers. Paper 77 (855;1),) 38:9sec(424;1), 45:3.9, top speed is 372,560 miles per second 23:3.2(260;6), essential order of planetary ministry 38:9.5(424;5), 77:0.1(855;1), 77:9.11(867;2), do not sleep or reproduce 45:6.5(516;3), 77:8.3(864;4), aware of humans' thoughts 161:3.3(1787;5), 172:5sec(1883;6), 174:5.6(1903;3), 179:1.8(1937;6), assembled 50,000 facts proving evolution nonaccidental 58:2.3(665;6), use energies controlled by Master Physical Controllers 29:4.7(325;3), 49:2.17-18(563;1), permanent citizens of evolutionary worlds 37:9.7(415;3), 77:9sec(865;7),
A.30:2.15 The Seven Supreme Power Directors 29:1sec(320;1), 116:5.1(1273;5),. See also Universe Power Directors, created by Seven Master Spirits; each in eternal subservience to one 29:0.3(319;3), 29:1.2(320;2), 116:5.3(1273;7), each administers power for 1 superuniverse; administer Havona collectively 29:1.3(320;3), existed from near eternity 29:0.3(319;3), resist gravity 29:3.6(323;4)
B.30:2.16 Supreme Power Centers 29:2sec(320;5), 41:1sec(455;5), 116:5.1(1273;5),. See also Universe Power Directors, 1 million units of control 29:3.7(323;5), modify, manipulate, energize, and directionize physical energies of space by their presence 29:3.6(323;4), 41:1.1-5(455;5), 42:2.22-23(471;6), not subject to administrative direction by superuniverse government 29:3.2(322;5)
1.Supreme Center Supervisors. regulate master energy circuits of grand universe; 7 in number 29:2.3(321;2) below levels of gravity energy 29:2.4(321;3)
2.Havona Centers. 30:2.16(336;8), Supreme Power Centers; one supervises 1000 Havona worlds; 1 million created 29:2.5(321;4)
3.Superuniverse Centers. 3rd order Supreme Power Centers; direct localized energy movements for specific purposes 29:2.6-8(321;5), administer superuniverse physical-energy circuits 15:8.2-3(175;5), begin to function when energy unmistakably responds to Paradise gravity 42:2.23(471;7), partially control 30 gravita energy systems 15:8.2(175;5), 29:2.6-7(321;5), semi-living intelligent beings; not volitional 15:8.2(175;5), send forth electronic universe power 29:2.6(321;5)
4.Local Universe Centers. See also Supreme Power Centers; Universe Power Directors, 4th order Supreme Power Centers; downstep superuniverse power for constellations and systems 29:2.9(321;8), 41:1.2(456;1), 100 on each local universe capital 29:2.9(321;8), 32:2.2(358;4), 41:1sec(455;5), assist Creator Sons in universe organization 29:2.9(321;8), 29:3.3(323;1), 41:1.1(455;5)
5.Constellation Centers. 10 assigned to each constellation 29:2.10(322;1), 41:1.4(456;3), 43:8.1(493;7), energize certain living creatures 29:2.10(322;1), Supreme Power Centers; project energy to systems for communication, transport, and life maintenance 29:2.10(322;1)
6.System Centers. 1 functions in each local system 29:2.11(322;2), 41:1.5(456;4), 6th order Supreme Power Centers; dispatch power to Physical Controllers on inhabited worlds 29:2.11(322;2), 41:1.5(456;4), light, heat, and energize local system headquarters 45:0.3(509;3)
C.30:2.17 Master Physical Controllers 29:4sec(324;3), 41:2sec(456;5), 116:5.1(1273;5), assisted Life Carriers on Urantia 62:7.6(710;5), enabled apostles to see transfiguration 158:1.8(1753;4), healing at sundown 145:3.8(1632;7), materialization of Melchizedek 93:1.3(1014;5), accelerate or retard energy currents; like catalytic agents 29:4.14(326;3), activate energy-matter 118:7.7(1301;4), adjust energies essential to interplanetary transport and communication 29:4.7(325;3), elevate mortal bodies into atmosphere for fusion 55:1.6(622;6)
1.Associate Power Directors. assign and dispatch Master Physical Controllers 29:4.4,8(324;6) maintain inspector on each local system capital 29:4.10(325;6) number 3 billion in each superuniverse 29:4.9(325;5)
2.Mechanical Controllers . 10 now stationed on Urantia 29:4.12(326;1) number in trillions 29:4.11(325;7) directionize energy into specialized circuits; equalize pressures of interplanetary circuits 29:4.13(326;2) facilitate departures of seraphic transports 29:4.12(326;1), 39:5.14(438;7) manipulate 21 of 30 physical energies; partially control another six 29:4.13(326;2) most powerful controllers assigned to inhabited worlds 29:4.12(326;1) possess antigravity in excess of all other beings 29:4.12(326;1) type of Master Physical Controller 29:4.4(324;6)
3.Energy Transformers. 1 million in Satania; 100 per inhabited world 29:4.15(326;4) change physical form of space energies 29:4.18(327;1) role in creation of Urantia Papers 44:0.9(498;4) turned water into wine 137:4.12(1530;4) enabled: apostles to see transfiguration 158:1.8(1753;4) humans to see Planetary Princes 50:2.7(574;2) humans to see resurrected Jesus 189:4.11(2027;1), 191:3.2(2041;1) humans to see seraphim 38:2.1(419;1) revelators to see spirit counterparts of human minds 44:0.9(498;4) survivors to glimpse high spirit personalities 45:1.2(509;5), 47:1.2(530;6) type of Master Physical Controller 29:4.4(324;6)
4.Energy Transmitters. 1000 enable seraphic departure 29:4.12(326;1), 39:5.14(438;7) cannot initiate communication; ruling sustaining Van marooned in 67:2.2-6(755;4), 67:6.9(760;4) function in intraplanetary capacity by deploying themselves along desired energy path 29:4.20(327;3) indispensable to mortals on nonbreathing planets 29:4.24(327;7) living superconductors; induce energy flows in desired direction; augment feeble energies 29:4.21-22 (327;4) provide emergency lines of communication 29:4.23(327;6) render distant scenes visible and audible 29:4.23(327;6) understand communications; powerless to respond 29:4.19(327;2) wholly automatic and mechanical; nonpersonal 29:4.5,19(325;1) type of Master Physical Controller 29:4.4(324;6)
5.Primary Associators. first group to appear on organizing material spheres 29:4.27(328;3) living catalytic agents; act by their presence 29:4.25(328;1) most slavish of all intelligent creatures 29:4.5,27(325;1) produce primitive units of material existence 29:4.25(328;1) store or release energy 29:4.25-26(328;1) type of Master Physical Controller 29:4.4(324;6)
6.Secondary Dissociators. appear wholly automatic and mechanical 29:4.5,27(325;1) beings of enormous antigravity endowment; work in reverse to primary associators 29:4.28(328;4) evolve limitless supplies of energy 29:4.28(328;4) type of Master Physical Controller 29:4.4(324;6)
7.Frandalanks and Chronoldeks. stationed on all inhabited worlds 29:4.29(328;5), chronoldeks are frandalanks that also measure time 29:4.30(328;6), type of Master Physical Controller 29:4.4(324;6)
D.30:2.18 Morontia Power Supervisors 48:2sec(542;5), create survivors' 570 successive morontia life vehicles 42:10.5(481;2), 48:1.5(542;2)
1.Circuit Regulators. millions required to energize mansion worlds 48:2.6(543;3) Morontia Power Supervisors; dynamos who transform everywhere energies of space 48:2.6-7(543;3)
2.System Co-ordinators. Morontia Power Supervisors; harmonize differing power systems 48:2.8-9(543;5)
3.Planetary Custodians. 70 in charge of each morontia sphere 48:2.11(544;1) Morontia Power Supervisors; grant morontia forms to all morontia progressors 48:2.11(544;1)
4.Combined Controllers. highly mechanical Morontia Power Supervisors; 1 is stationed on each morontia world 48:2.12(544;2)
5.Liaison Stabilizers. Morontia Power Supervisors; slow down morontia energy revolutions for physicalization 48:2.13(544;3)
6.Selective Assorters. disclose beings who function best in temporary association 48:2.17(544;7) type of Morontia Power Supervisor; certify morontia progressors for advanced standing 48:2.16(544;6)
7.Associate Registrars. Morontia Power Supervisors; recorders 48:2.18(544;8)
1.The Planetary Midwayers. Paper 77 38:9.1, 37:9.11
2.The Adamic Sons of the Systems. Paper 51 (580;1),) 45:5sec(514;12), 161,432,840 in Nebadon; constantly increasing 45:5.4(515;3), Material Sons created by Michael Sons 38:1.1,
3.The Constellation Univitatia. 37:9.8, 43:7sec children of Creator Son and Mother Spirit 37:9.4(414;9), 43:7.1(493;2), (493;2), administer constellation morontia worlds 43:7.2(493;3), 55:9.2(633;5), nonreproducing beings existing on plane between Material Sons and Spirit-fused mortals; 70 different forms 37:9.4(414;9), 43:7.1-2(493;2),
4.The Local Universe Susatia. created by Creator Son and Mother Spirit 37:9.3(414;8), permanent citizens of Salvington; closely associated with Spirit-fused mortals 37:9.3(414;8)
5.Spirit-fused Mortals of the Local Universes. do not ordinarily attain Paradise or become finaliters 37:5.2,3,6(410;5) local universe Corps of Perfection 37:5.3-4(411;1) some are transformed and ascend to superuniverse or even Paradise 37:5.11(411;9), 40:10.9-10(453;4) Urantia mortals will not become 30:4.2(340;4) why some are Spirit-fused 40:10sec(452;1)
6.The Superuniverse Abandonters. created by agents of Ancients of Days, Reflective Spirits 37:9.8(415;4) (Uversa) residential citizens of Uversa 37:9.8(415;4)
7.Son-fused Mortals of the Superunivers. 37:9.12, 40:8.5, Less than 1 Million in Orvonton
8.The Havona Natives. 14:2.3, 14:4.10-18 perfect beings; are the will of God 3:5.16(52;2), 14:4.6(157;5), 19:6.2-3(221;4) eternal beings; never were created 14:4.3(157;2), 105:7.2(1159;7) pattern beings for all creation 14:4.8(157;7), 14:6.25(162;3) Trinity-origin personalities projected in perfection; nonreproducing 14:4.3(157;2), 19:6.3(221;5)
9.Natives of the Paradise Spheres of the Spirit.
10.Natives of the Father's Paradise Spheres.
11.The Created Citizens of Paradise.
12.Adjuster-fused Mortal Citizens of Paradise.
Side Note: Not in list of permanent citizenship: Spirongia 37:10.2, Spornagia 37:10.3 46:7sec(527;5) animal caretakers of architectural spheres 37:10.3(416;3), 45:0.3(509;3) artistic landscape gardeners 46:7.2(527;6) beautiful s. inhabit constellations, local systems 43:0.4(485;4) do not possess survival souls, but live very long lives and reincarnate 46:7.3-4(528;1) have individuality but not personality; react to first 5 adjutant mind-spirits only 46:7.4-5(528;2) minister to physical needs of probationary nursery children 47:2.6(532;4) procreate; traits of a horse, dog, and chimpanzee 46:7.6-7(528;4) visualize morontia, angelic, and lower spirit personalities, but not finaliters 46:7.7(528;5), 47:1.1(530;5) work of botanic decoration directed by celestial artisans, ascending midway creatures 43:6.7(492;7), 46:5.24(526;6), 46:7.2(527;6)
30:2.20 This is the working classification of the personalities of the universes as they are of record on the headquarters world of Uversa.
30:2.21 COMPOSITE PERSONALITY GROUPS. There are on Uversa the records of numerous additional groups of intelligent beings, beings that are also closely related to the organization and administration of the grand universe. Among such orders are the following three composite personality groups:
A.30:2.22 The Paradise Corps of the Finality 31:10.10(354;3),
1.The Corps of Mortal Finaliters. attacked by Lucifer 53:3.2,6(603;3)
2.The Corps of Paradise Finaliters.
3.The Corps of Trinitized Finaliters.
4.The Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters.
5.The Corps of Havona Finaliters.
6.The Corps of Transcendental Finaliters.
7.The Corps of Unrevealed Sons of Destiny.
30:2.23 The Mortal Corps of the Finality is dealt with in the next and final paper of this series.
B.30:2.24 The Universe Aids
1.Bright and Morning Stars. 33:4sec(369;4),. See also Gabriel, first-born of local universes by Creator Sons and Mother Spirits 21:2.11(237;1), 28:1.3(306;6), 32:2.6(359;3), 33:4.1(369;4), 34:2.5(376;2), create spironga with Father Melchizedeks 37:10.2(416;2), like Creator Sons, but limited in creatorship 32:2.6(359;3), 33:4.2(369;5)
2.Brilliant Evening Stars. also known as superangels 55:4.11(628;2), superangels created by Creator Sons and Mother Spirits 37:2.1-2(407;1), entrusted with all personal communications 39:2.17(431;6), Gavalia, first born, is chief of ascendant B.E.S. in Nebadon 37:2.6(407;6),
3.Archangels. 37:3sec(408;4),. See also archangels' circuit; chief of Nebadon archangels, created by Creator Son and Mother Spirit 37:3.1(408;4),100 assigned to Magisterial Sons on planetary missions 20:2.9(225;8), 37:3.5-6(409;2), absolve destiny guardians if subjects fail to survive 113:6.3(1247;1), angels of the resurrection 47:3.2(532;8), 74:2.8(830;3), 189:2.1(2022;6), dedicated to creature survival and ascension career 37:3.2(408;5), divisional headquarters on Urantia 37:3.3(408;6), number 800,000 in Nebadon 37:3.1(408;4), preserve records of personality for resurrection 112:5.15(1234;4), Archangels circuit 37:3.3(408;6), 43:5.11(491;7), 114:0.10(1250;1), 114:7.13(1259;1), operated for first time after Jesus' resurrection 189:3.2(2024;4)
4.Most High Assistants. assist Nebadon Paradise personalities 37:4.5(410;3), many tertiaphim function as 37:8.10(414;5)
5.High Commissioners. accompany Paradise Sons on bestowal missions 37:5.8(411;6), Spirit-fused mortals may become 37:5.1-10(410;4)
6.Celestial Overseers. 37:6sec(412;1), most mortals will serve as 37:6.7(413;1), volunteer educators; number 3 million in Nebadon 37:6.1(412;1)
7.Mansion World Teachers. 37:7sec(413;2), 48:5sec(550;2), billions in Satania 48:5.3(550;4), deserted cherubim and sanobim embraced by Mother Spirit 37:7.1(413;2), 38:8.5(423;5), 47:5.1(535;5), 48:5.1-2(550;2), may be re-embraced by Mother Spirit and emerge as seraphim 38:8.6(423;6), 48:5.10(551;5), train children in probationary nursery 47:2.1-2(531;5)
30:2.25 On all headquarters worlds of both local and superuniverses, provision is made for these beings who are engaged in specific missions for the Creator Sons, the local universe rulers. We welcome these Universe Aids on Uversa, but we have no jurisdiction over them. Such emissaries prosecute their work and carry on their observations under authority of the Creator Sons. Their activities are more fully described in the narrative of your local universe.
C.30:2.26 The Seven Courtesy Colonies
30:3.1 The seven courtesy colonies sojourn on the architectural spheres for a longer or shorter time while engaged in the furtherance of their missions and in the execution of their special assignments. Their work may be described as follows:
1.Star Students. anyone may become s.s.; must serve 1 millennium 30:3.3(338;7) celestial astronomers; forecast energy behavior 15:8.7(176;2), 30:3.2(338;6) over 1 million on Uversa; reside in courtesy colonies 30:3.2-5(338;6) use mechanical instruments, Solitary Messengers, energy transformers and transmitters, reflectivity 23:2.14(260;1), 30:3.4(339;1) view grand universe from Uversa 12:2.4(131;1) work with transport adviser celestial artisans to determine seraphic transport routings 44:5.6(505;3)30:3.2 The Star Students, the celestial astronomers, choose to work on spheres like Uversa because such specially constructed worlds are unusually favorable for their observations and calculations. Uversa is favorably situated for the work of this colony, not only because of its central location, but also because there are no gigantic living or dead suns near at hand to disturb the energy currents. These students are not in any manner organically connected with the affairs of the superuniverse; they are merely guests.30:3.3 The astronomical colony of Uversa contains individuals from many near-by realms, from the central universe, and even from Norlatiadek. Any being on any world in any system of any universe may become a star student, may aspire to join some corps of celestial astronomers. The only requisites are: continuing life and sufficient knowledge of the worlds of space, especially their physical laws of evolution and control. Star students are not required to serve eternally in this corps, but no one admitted to this group may withdraw under one millennium of Uversa time.
30:3.4 The star-observer colony of Uversa now numbers over one million. These astronomers come and go, though some remain for comparatively long periods. They carry on their work with the aid of a multitude of mechanical instruments and physical appliances; they are also greatly assisted by the Solitary Messengers and other spirit explorers. These celestial astronomers make constant use of the living energy transformers and transmitters, as well as of the reflective personalities, in their work of star study and space survey. They study all forms and phases of space material and energy manifestations, and they are just as much interested in force function as in stellar phenomena; nothing in all space escapes their scrutiny.
30:3.5 Similar astronomer colonies are to be found on the sector headquarters worlds of the superuniverse as well as on the architectural capitals of the local universes and their administrative subdivisions. Except on Paradise, knowledge is not inherent; understanding of the physical universe is largely dependent on observation and research.
2.Celestial Artisans. Paper 44 (497;1),) 30:3.6(339;3) all ascenders eligible to become 44:0.4(497;4) types; celestial musicians, heavenly reproducers, divine builders, thought recorders, energy manipulators, designers and embellishers, harmony workers, sometimes help gifted mortals 44:8.1-2(507;6) 30:3.6 2. The Celestial Artisans serve throughout the seven superuniverses. Ascending mortals have their initial contact with these groups in the morontia career of the local universe in connection with which these artisans will be more fully discussed.
3.Reversion Directors. 48:4sec(547;4) all celestial beings enjoy 84:8.5(942;6) collaborate with heavenly reproducers 44:2.10(501;9) collaborate with Joys of Existence 28:5.16(312;3) directors of change and relaxation 48:4.3(547;6) promote relaxation and humor, reverting memory to former state, thought change, mind rest 30:3.7(339;4), 48:4.9-10(548;4) 30:3.7 3. The Reversion Directors are the promoters of relaxation and humor—reversion to past memories. They are of great service in the practical operation of the ascending scheme of mortal progression, especially during the earlier phases of morontia transition and spirit experience. Their story belongs to the narrative of the mortal career in the local universe.
4.Extension-school Instructors. teachers from next higher residential world 30:3.8(339;5) 30:3.8 4. Extension-School Instructors. The next higher residential world of the ascendant career always maintains a strong corps of teachers on the world just below, a sort of preparatory school for the progressing residents of that sphere; this is a phase of the ascendant scheme for advancing the pilgrims of time. These schools, their methods of instruction and examinations, are wholly unlike anything which you essay to conduct on Urantia.
30:3.9 The entire ascendant plan of mortal progression is characterized by the practice of giving out to other beings new truth and experience just as soon as acquired. You work your way through the long school of Paradise attainment by serving as teachers to those pupils just behind you in the scale of progression.
5.The Various Reserve Corps. 30:3.10 5. The Various Reserve Corps. Vast reserves of beings not under our immediate supervision are mobilized on Uversa as the reserve-corps colony. There are seventy primary divisions of this colony on Uversa, and it is a liberal education to be permitted to spend a season with these extraordinary personalities. Similar general reserves are maintained on Salvington and other universe capitals; they are dispatched on active service on the requisition of their respective group directors.
6.Student Visitors. allowed on all inhabited planets, even in isolation 48:3.10(546;3) observers, exchange pupils, student helpers 30:3.11(339;8) 30:3.11 6. The Student Visitors. From all the universe a constant stream of celestial visitors pours through the various headquarters worlds. As individuals and as classes these various types of beings flock in upon us as observers, exchange pupils, and student helpers. On Uversa, at present, there are over one billion persons in this courtesy colony. Some of these visitors may tarry a day, others may remain a year, all dependent on the nature of their mission. This colony contains almost every class of universe beings except Creator personalities and morontia mortals.
Pilgrims. surviving mortals accredited for
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