Foundation and Original Uversa Press Paragraph Numbers
White background, Bible references and camparisions plus page Synopsis and audio files.
The above versions of The Urantia Book were created as study guides for both the Foundation Standardized text version and the Uversa Press version. When teaching from the Book, some of the original works from Uversa Press and the Fellowship web site had differing page numbering and paragraph numbering systems these two versions were different in many places, and this creates confusion for the readers. As a Teacher, having both versions of the paragraph references, helps stop this confusion for your readers. The main goal in creating these is to foster more harmony between the two versions and re-indexing these to the Urantia Standardized Reference Text. Please note, that the topical index was the work of Harry McMullin; his look and feel was duplicated as closely as possible. All versions were re-indexed by Rev. Dr. Roger Paul, using the Urantia Standardized Reference Text. Bible cross-references are from the Paramony, by Dr. Duane Faw, available as a separate volume from Uversa Press. The audio files are read by Merritt Horn.
All work on these versions were done by Rev. Dr. Roger W. Paul and he takes full responsibility for any errors in these works. Please check out the study slides link, if you are preparing to teach from the Book. These are prepared by Rev. Dr. Paul also to aid in teaching The Urantia Book. New slides will be updated from time to time as these Papers are retaught. Our Father's Blessings with your studies.